July 9, 2020 Press Releases
New COVID Response Grants to Nonprofits Total $785K Targets Summer Programs, Homelessness, Those with Disabilities
Girls Inc. of the Valley Uses Grant Funds to Provide Summer Programming Virtually
July 9, 2020—The Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts has announced new grants to 36 local nonprofits through the COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley totaling $785K, targeting food insecurity, homelessness, those with disabilities and summer programs, and addressing immediate needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Including this latest round, the Response Fund has awarded over $4.8 million in grants to nonprofits in Western Massachusetts that are on the front lines of serving vulnerable populations affected by the crisis. The statewide Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund has provided $2.8 million in funding to support the Community Foundation’s response to the pandemic crisis in our region.
Girls Inc. of the Valley, based in Holyoke, is one recipient in the latest grant round using funds to transition to virtual summer programming due to COVID-19. Girls Inc. serves 5-18 year-old girls from the greater Holyoke, Springfield and Chicopee areas and other surrounding towns through after-school and summer programs at little or no cost to families.
According to Suzanne Parker, Girls Inc. Executive Director, “Staying connected to girls is more important than ever. Responding to the need, Girls Inc. of the Valley has transitioned its summer programming to an online, virtual format. This generous grant from the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts will help us to provide supplies in at-home activity packets to further enrich girls’ experiences. We are grateful to the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts for their commitment to supporting girls in the Valley.”
The 36 nonprofits that received grants from the COVID-19 Response Fund from the Pioneer Valley are:
- Berkshire County Arc
- Bethlehem House
- Boys and Girls Club Family Center
- Boys & Girls Club of Greater Holyoke
- Boys & Girls Club of Greater Westfield
- Christina’s House
- Community Adolescent Resource and Education Center
- Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture
- Dakin Pioneer Valley Humane Society DBA Dakin Human Society
- Ellie Fund
- Easthampton Community Center
- Girls Inc. of the Valley
- Hampshire Regional Young Men’s Christian Association
- Health Law Advocates
- Holyoke Young Men’s Christian Association
- Jewish Family Services of Western Massachusetts
- Ludlow Boys & Girls Club
- Martin Luther King Jr. Family Services
- Massachusetts Military Support Foundation
- New North Citizens’ Council
- Open Pantry Community Services
- Providence Ministries for the Needy
- Rachel’s Table
- South End Community Center
- Springfield Boys and Girls Club
- Vincent de Paul Society
- The Community Survival Center
- The Salvation Army – Greenfield Corps
- The Salvation Army – Holyoke Corps
- The Salvation Army – Springfield Corps
- Urban League of Springfield
- Western Massachusetts Council, Boy Scouts of America
- West Springfield Boys & Girls Club
- YMCA of Greater Springfield
- YMCA of Greater Westfield
The Response Fund has raised $6.9 million from 630 donors, including foundations, businesses and individuals, and has received resources from the statewide Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund.
The Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund supports those across the state most impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis, focusing on essential frontline workers and vulnerable populations, including the homeless, immigrant populations, people with disabilities and those facing food insecurity. The Fund works in concert with regional community foundations and nonprofit leaders who partner with local leaders to understand the response and relief landscape, strategically filling in where gaps are pronounced.
The Community Foundation is requesting applications from local nonprofits for its continued grantmaking in the coming weeks and months. Organizations seeking grants for resources due to the COVID-19 pandemic are encouraged to complete a short online application on the Community Foundation website at communityfoundation.org/request-for-information. New grants are awarded every week.
According to Katie Allan Zobel, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, “We continue to target our grant making on the most vulnerable and the nonprofit organizations serving them. Food and nutrition, health, education and front-line community-serving organizations are included in this round. Our staff and the workers in these organizations are stepping up in a remarkable way and we appreciate all of our donors, large and small, who are helping us respond during these extraordinary times.”
The COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley was established to provide emergency grants to community nonprofit organizations serving the immediate needs of the most vulnerable populations affected by the pandemic in Western Massachusetts.
The Community Foundation welcomes additional donations to the COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley. 100% of donations go to community needs. Gifts can be made online at: communityfoundation.org/covid19.