April 21, 2021 Blog
We Have Much Work Ahead
An open message from our CEO and Trustee Chairs
Our hearts are with the Floyd family and millions of others around the world and in our own communities who, with unyielding advocacy and activism for justice, were able to witness accountability served on behalf of George Floyd yesterday. We are relieved and encouraged by the results, and also deeply aware that we cannot rest.
The disproportionate number of Black and Latino deaths at the hands of the criminal justice system will not change with one verdict. Nor will the racial wealth gap, health disparities, and educational attainment gaps be reduced after one moment of accountability. We sense the urgency with which we must act. There is a deep need to come together, to acknowledge the hard truths about privilege and marginalization, and to challenge the realities of our world. We cannot heal, we cannot build trust, and we cannot develop a shared understanding until we examine and identify the ways in which we continue to contribute to systems that reinforce racism in our institutions and in our communities. We see the magnitude of this work, but we are not discouraged by it.
We are grateful for so many community partners working tirelessly to combat racism and increase social justice and equity. While not an exhaustive list, we would like to share the names of several local organizations dedicated to this work in our communities through policy change, training, and advocacy. We encourage you to invest in them and utilize their resources.
Katie Allan Zobel, President and CEO
Paul Murphy, Trustee Chair
Karin George, Trustee Vice Chair
Arise for Social Justice
Healing Racism Institute of Pioneer Valley
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Pioneer Valley Workers Center
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Carlos Vega Fund for Social Justice and Community Service
Markham Nathan Fund for Social Justice