May 8, 2020 Press Releases
Sixth Round of COVID Response Fund Grants of $183K; Focus on Families, Mental Health, Food Justice
May 8, 2020—A sixth round of grants totaling $183,000, with a focus on nonprofits that are addressing immediate needs for youth and families, mental health and food justice during the COVID-19 pandemic, has been announced by the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts (CFWM).
In this sixth round of grants, CFWM’s COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley has awarded grants to 12 Western Massachusetts nonprofits:
- Chicopee Boys & Girls Club
- The Children’s Study Home, Springfield
- Gardening the Community, Springfield
- Jewish Family Services of Western MA, Springfield
- Just Roots, Greenfield
- Montague Catholic Social Ministries, Turners Falls
- Neighbors Helping Neighbors, South Hadley
- Open Pantry Community Services, Springfield
- Revitalize Community Development Corporation, Springfield
- River Valley Counseling Center, Holyoke
- Treehouse Foundation, Easthampton
- Western Mass Recovery Learning Community
With this newest round of grants, the COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley has invested nearly $2 million in grants to nonprofits in Western Massachusetts that are on the front lines of serving vulnerable populations affected by the crisis.
The Response Fund has raised nearly $4.3 million from more than 25 businesses and foundations, over 400 individuals and families and has received resources from the statewide Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund, which recently provided $500,000 to support CFWM’s response to the pandemic crisis in our region.
According to Katie Allan Zobel, President and CEO of the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, “We are continuing to provide vital resources to the frontline organizations addressing vulnerable individuals, youth and families. As the work of the COVID-19 Response Fund unfolds, we are continuing to learn about gaps in resources and are identifying those most in need of emergency assistance. We thank the organizations we are able to support with resources and are inspired by their advocacy for the constituents they serve.”
The COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley was established to provide emergency grants to community nonprofit organizations serving the immediate needs of the most vulnerable populations affected by the pandemic in Western Massachusetts.
The Community Foundation welcomes additional donations to the COVID-19 Response Fund for the Pioneer Valley. 100% of donations go to community needs. Gifts can be made online at: www.communityfoundation.org/covid19.