June 27, 2024 CFWM News
Rejuvenation Week 2024
CFWM is pleased to announce that our offices will pause operations for Rejuvenation Week from July 29 to August 4, 2024. We make this decision each year with the wellness and well-being of our staff in mind to allow an opportunity for a collective sense of renewal. Rejuvenation Week offers staff a chance to unplug and take uninterrupted time for rest, ensuring they return to work refreshed, energized, and ready to respond to the needs of our communities.
During this time, staff members will be completely unreachable. We encourage our donors, fundholders, community partners, and volunteers to schedule any necessary appointments with staff and leadership before July 29 or after August 4. Please rest assured that any urgent matters will be addressed promptly upon our return the week of August 5.
Thank you in advance for your continued support as we invest in the success of our team members and the Foundation.