Establish A Nonprofit Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

Do you want to build a perpetual endowment for your organization? Raise funds for a major project? Invest your organization’s cash reserves more wisely—and access them whenever you need them?

By establishing a nonprofit fund at the Foundation, organizations can do all those things—and gain peace of mind knowing hard-earned donations are secure and professionally invested and managed. Most importantly, organizations are freed up to focus on the vital services and programs you provide to residents of our region.

You get all these benefits with a nonprofit fund at the Foundation:

You Choose the Type of Fund that’s Right for Your Organization

We offer two types of funds for nonprofits: Nonprofit Endowed Funds and Nonprofit Advised Funds. They differ in how organizations access the fund dollars and in the fee structures. Our team can work with you, your Investment Committee, professional advisors, and/or your Board to help you determine the right fund to help meet your goals.

Nonprofit Endowed Fund:

A Nonprofit Endowed Fund makes an annual distribution to the nonprofit. The distribution rate is set by the Foundation — currently, 4.25%. The goal is to provide long-term protection of the principal. This fund type is good for organizations seeking to build up and sustain a regular stream of income.

Fund Minimum: $10,000
Fee: 1%

Nonprofit Advised Fund:

Nonprofit Advised Funds allow organizations to recommend distributions of both income and principal whenever they desire. This fund type is good for nonprofit organizations seeking more flexibility with its assets, since access to the full balance of the fund is always available.

Fund Minimum: $10,000
Fee: 1.25%

We’re always glad to talk with you and your Board.

Nigel Greaves

Nigel Greaves

Director of Development