Our Team
Karin L. George, Chair
Principal and Co-Owner, Washburn & McGoldrick, Inc.
Charlie D'Amour, Vice Chair
President and CEO, Big Y
Tara Brewster
Vice President of Business Development and Director of Philanthropy at Greenfield Savings Bank
Nikki Burnett
Executive Director, Educare Springfield
John Davis
President of Historic Deerfield
Linda Dunlavy
Executive Director, Franklin Regional Council of Governments
Mauricia Geissler
Retired Chief Investment Officer, Amherst College
Magdalena Gómez
Playwright, performer, and speaker
Gillian Hinkson
Victim Witness Advocate, Hampden County District Attorney’s Office
Mark A. Keroack
Chief Executive Officer, Baystate Health
Sarah Lapolice
PA, Burkhart, Pizzanelli, P.C.
Paul Murphy
Retired Attorney
Becky Packard
Professor of Psychology and Education, Mt. Holyoke College
Dr. Michelle Schutt
President of Greenfield Community College
Payton Shubrick
CEO and founder of 6 Brick’s Cannabis Dispensary Springfield
Gregory S. Thomas
Executive Director & Lecturer Berthiaume Center for Entrepreneurship, University of Massachusetts
Aaron Vega
Director of Planning and Economic Development, City of Holyoke
Francia Wisnewski
Director of Membership and Community Engagement, National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC)
Emeritus Trustees
George Arwady
Dana R. Barrows *
Sanford A. Belden *
Helen D. Blake
Kenneth Boutin
Bruce Brown
Robert S. Carroll *
Robert Cohn
Ruth Constantine
Peter J. Daboul *
Stephen A. Davis *
Kerry Dietz
Dianne Fuller Doherty
Alfred L. Griggs *
Harold Grinspoon
Lester L. Halpern
Willie L. Hill Jr.
Orlando Isaza
Amy Jamrog
Carol A. Leary *
Ellen Brout Lindsey
Sonia M. Nieto
David E. Pinsky
Robert Pura
Irene Rodriguez-Martin
Elizabeth D. Scheibel *
Mary Ellen Scott
Elizabeth H. Sillin *
Richard B. Steele Jr.
Ralph S. Tate *
Doug A. Theobald
Peggy Woods
Angela Wright
* Trustee Chair Emeritus
Audit/Finance Committee
Charles D'Amour
Mark Keroack
Sarah Lapolice
Paul Murphy, Interim Chair
Mary-Anne S. Stearns
Tristan Ta
Ashley Travis
Committee on Trustees
Nikki Burnett
Charlie D'Amour
Linda Dunlavy, Chair
Karin George
Gillian Hinkson
Paul Murphy
Payton Shubrick
Distribution Committee
Nikki Burnett, Chair
Patricia Crutchfield
John Davis
Brooks Fitch
Magdalena Gomez
Jamie Manning
Andrea Monson
Cecil Papafio
David Rudder
Devin Sheehan
Debbie DiStefano
Francia Wisnewski
Education Committee
Susan Crim
Kerry Dietz
Katie Fretwell
Apelila Joseph, Chair
Becky Packard
Jennifer Pickering
Michelle Schutt
Azanda Seymour
Deja Ware
Executive Committee
Nikki Burnett
Charlie D'Amour
Mauricia Geissler
Karin George, Chair
Paul Murphy
Gregory Thomas
Investment Committee
Mauricia A. Geissler, Chair
Sylvia Callan
Gillian Hinkson
Dylan Korpita
Mary Jo Maydew
Ralph S. Tate
Aaron Vega
Philanthropic Services Committee
Tara Brewster
Kylie Brown
Xiomara DeLobato
Ryan Ferriter
Jessica Holloway
Terrell Joyner
Kari Diamond Kayiatos
Amie Miarecki
Robyn Newhouse
Lillian Ortiz
Gregory Thomas, Chair
Kathryn Wakefield
Grant Reviewers
Emma Aldana
Jessica Avery
Rachel Blackman
Donnabelle Casis
Marcia Crutchfield
Kari Diamond Kayiatos
Jose Escribano
Katie Fretwell
Matthew Glassman
Apelila Joseph
Sarah Lapolice
Stephanie Levin
Melissa Markham
Andrea Monson
Thomas Oakley
Vanessa Pabon-Hernandez
John Ramsburgh
Stephanie Reyes
Irene I-SHEA Shaikly
Betsy Stone
Sarah Zlotnik
Community Advisors
Mark Guglielmo
Andrae Green
Vanessa Pabon-Hernandez
Scholarship Reviewers
Andrea Robitaille
Jessica L. Avery
Roberta Bolduc
Chaitali J Brahmbhatt
Dawn Bryden
Jie Chen
Kelly Cochran
Susan Crim
Marcia Crutchfield
Patricia Crutchfield
Patrick Danby
John Davis
Linda Desmarais
Jessica Dominik-McKinnon
Katie Fretwell
Kiyota Garcia
Magdalena Gomez
Crystal Gonyea
Angela Hansberry
Gillian Hinkson
Jessica Holloway
Apelila Joseph
Thea Katsounakis
Stephanie King
Sarah Lapolice
Rachelle Lee
Lesa Lessard Pearson
Phyllis Levenson
Jamie Manning
Rose Marlaine Boulay
Suzanne Newby Estes
Lily Newman
Thomas Oakley
Becky Packard
Carlton Pickron
John Ramsburgh
Katy Reed
Samantha Rudd
Azanda Seymour
Devin Sheehan
Payton Shubrick
Ashley Solomon
Barbara Wurtzel